Contestant Information

We are working on getting our sponsors lined up for the 2025 rodeo July 25th & 26th. We will open registration in spring 2025.  Please keep us penciled into your calendar as we love to see as many riders as possible.
 Please remember it is First come first served on Friday and Saturday
Barrels 10 for each performance after 10 rest go to slack on Friday after performance please remember this.
Team Ropers must call 509 276 2444 to enter, please say which night sorry no online.
Chute Dogging please call Dwayne at 509 276 5136 please say which night also.
Entries close on July 18th midnight
Call backs are July 22 4pm to 7pm you must call back we don’t call you.
Rough stock riders can enter twice.
Also if any questions call 509 276 2444 or 509 276 5136 hope you get entered see you there!